Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one: they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help... Three are even better for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The focus of Women's ministry is the nurture of deep, Christ-centered relationships between women, and to help them grow deeper in their personal faith-walk.

Our goal is that every Riverside woman will find a friend and feel loved, encouraged, inspired and prayed for!

Our Riverside Sisterhood is BACK!!


YOU are invited to join us for upcoming opportunities to be refilled, refueled and be reminded that you are part of this amazing community of spiritually-like-minded sisters!

We missed you over the summer!

In order of the calendar:

TOMORROW: Saturday, September 14th @10:30 am -noon

Riverside Community Church

Bible Study: FAITH IN ACTION- based on the book of James.

with workbook either digital or printed!!

contact ROSA for info


Over A Cup of Coffee

Riverside Community Church

Kah-Mei Smith will share on emergency preparedness not just being about big catastrophes. Even small steps like carrying a $20 bill and a couple granola bars in a Ziploc bag can make a significant difference.

contact Lily Ong for info -

MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th - SisterhoodCare, Compassion &Comfort @7pm

Riverside Community Church 

The importance of self-care based on biblical principles we will all experience together!! 

speaker- Pastor Ingrid 

Questions? contact


Save the dates:

Nov.4- Sisterhood Evening

Dec.8- Extravaganza

 Our Riverside Women's Ministries is praying for YOU sister!

Please do all you can to connect in one or ALL of these awesome invitations to grow in love and faith together!

Pastor Ingrid & Riverside Women's Ministries Team

Over A Cup Of Coffee

Come join us:

Satuday, Sept.21st and Saturday, Nov.23rd

9 am - (BYOC bring your own cofffee)

Contact Lily Ong for more info-